Spring & Summer Camps

Registration for Spring/Summer 2025 camps NOW OPEN!

$125 Tuition | $15 Supply Fee

Location: Providence

Ages 7-11

As the world awakes, come and learn in the transition of Spring! Activities include spring foraging, tasty campfire cooking, making bentwood hoops/baskets from fresh sapling shoots, fire building, bark peeling for baskets, mud exploration (pottery, tracking, cooking), and of course plenty of games!

$125 Tuition | $15 Supply Fee

Location: Hyrum

Age 7-11

What's all the buzz about?!  Come find out!  If you haven't joined us yet for our Survival Kids Course 101, here's your chance! Students will spend the week learning real life living skills such as fire making, animal tracking, shelter building, arts and crafts, and plenty of games!

$125 Tuition | $15 Supply Fee

Location: Hyrym

Age 12+

Take your skills to the next level in this advanced survival skills course offered by one of the best mentors out there!  This camp will be designed to meet campers were they are and take them to the next level with advanced survival and outdoor skills.  You won't want to miss this one!

$125 Tuition | $15 Supply Fee

Location: TBD

Age 8-12

Students will dive into the  magic of music through games and hands-on musical experiences, led by a board certified musical therapist. Students will learn how music can imitate and enhance nature experiences. Camp wraps up with a very special performance night for family and friends.

$125 Tuition | $15 Supply Fee

Location: Providence

Age 5-8

Our youngest campers can come and get a taste of all that the forest school offers!  We will explore nature through the lens of a scientist, build shelters and learn survival basics, create nature inspired crafts, cook over a fire, and learn through song, games, and stories.  (With enough interest, a second session may be held in August.)

Q&A: If my child is already in forest school or has already taken a survival camp before, will these camps be a repeat of what they have already learned?

Yes, and no. There will always be some repetition, but that is on skills that require repetition for mastery such as fundamentals like fire, shelter, tools use, etc.  However, our mentors are qualified and trained to provide individual challenges to personalize your child's educational need and meet them were they are at.  There will always be new projects and activities in each camp.  No two camps will ever be the same and all camps will provide meaningful learning opportunities.

Exciting things are here!